An Antique -lover’s Guide To Surviving A Coronavirus Lockdown .

An Antique -lover’s Guide To Surviving A Coronavirus Lockdown .

1. Think of that antique you might have in a closet or jewelry box someplace because it doesn’t fit with décor of your home or go with your sense of style. This is actually an ideal time to do some spring cleaning around the house and sell the antiques you have been meaning get rid of.

2. Desperate for an antiques-shopping fix? Check out some online auctions. There are amazing bargains to be had! We have online auctions every month.

3. Take the opportunity to clean your treasured items – polish your silverware, wash your vases or buff up those picture frames.

4. Create a moodboard of your dream collection. Pinterest is a great place to start!

5. Unleash your creativity and rearrange one of your favourite collections of antiques. Share your fresh display on Insta – #lockdowndecorating

6. Make a lamp out of it ! Upcyle that. With just a little imagination and perhaps a coat of paint or some new hardware, an old cabinet, table or chair can get new life as something fresh and unique.